Revenge in 'Real' Life
Vengeance is a very,very,very,very,very common theme in all of Shakespeare's writings, excluding perhaps, some of his sonnets. It has often puzzled scholar's minds as to why he would incorporate such a dangerous terrifying aspect of human capability. I believe it is because of those very reasons. Revenge is exciting and unpredictable. crowds love it. I also highly believe Shakespeare chose to write about revenge because it is such a common part of everyday life. William's plays have always reflected some view of human life in some exaggerated way. Instead of creating new alien concept why not take a piece of the already characterful human life. In his tragedies he shows revenge as a dangerous, consequential act that leads to an overall morbid tone that shows how very terrible it can be. In the comedies he exaggerated vengeance in a light that shows how completely absurd these tainted actions are.
Surprising as it might be, a lot of things human being's nature hasn't changed since the Elizabethan Era. Revenge is still a very potent presence in our society. What's worse is our culture has desensitized the public the the terrible truth in the ending of a life. Many people don't understand the pure value of life. revenge now acts as a symbol of honor in our lives. If something terrible is even presented as possibly happening the general public finds it their duty to 'right' that wrong. They feel as though it is their place to take it upon themselves to get compensation for any loss. 9/11 is a perfect example of the act of revenge in this society. Our country was affected by the government of another nation so our president decided to kill and innumerable amount of innocent people after they resisted our government invading and changing their entire way of life. As it was when Shakespeare wrote about it, so it is true now; seeking vengeance is dangerous and in the end no one really wins. To give a more specific example, I saw revenge destroy one of the strongest friendships I have ever seen. Two of my friends were both in relationships. Different lengths of time, different levels of emotion. (PTI: It may get very confusing for a bit but the names are remaining anonymous and aren't all that important so bear with me) One girl broke up with her boyfriend for very legitimate reasons. The other girl's boyfriend then broke up with the other girl to date the now single girl. In order to try to get back at the 'mantheif', as the forcibly single woman put it, she dated the boy who originally broke up with the first girl. A very long dramatic story short, both girls ended up hating each other and all four of the people involved were then very alone. So, that example was a bit wordy but it goes to show how the right combination of stupidity,hurt and revenge can create a disaster. These two girls lost their friendships over boys, BOYS!!! HIGH SCHOOL BOYS, no less. They may have been able to recover if not for their uncontrollable desire for vengeance. Something as trivial as this was made all the worse by adding revenge to the mix.
Revenge is a vile, angry, unkempt, vicious beast. Mangled, unhappy and disfigured. It it a parasitic, carnivorous monster that lurks in the shadows and waits. It crouches unseen in the darkness, waiting, waiting, waiting for a weakened soul to attack. To latch it's own horrific mass of flesh and fur into. Once someone is hurt and they are wanting, wanting desperately for something, anything. Then as soon as the chance arises it leaps. It pounces upon it's all to unsuspecting prey and sinks it's teeth into it's new victim. It's horrible dripping oozing venomous drool pours into the wound and gives the host a false sense of rationalization. It finds exactly what that person is wanting oh so badly, and then promises it to them. It's grip is so secure, there are few who are able to resist it and be rid of it before it has had it's fill. It clenches it's heinous fangs right onto the very nape of your neck and sinks its blackened teeth further and further into your flesh. Once it's task has been completed it may hop off and wait again for it's next victim. But, it might not. It may have loved your nectar so well it decides to indulge a bit longer. If it does so decide to release it's victim it won't be very long until the next poor helpless prey comes along. revenge bring more revenge and trouble loves company. Revenge is a miserable despicable creature. It's only slight joy is found in seeing other beings in more misery than he.
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